The plumbing for the water tanks was quite complicated - there are three of them and they all need to fill together but then go in different directions – and it took nearly all day and couple of trips to the hardware stores to buy the right components. We got there in the end though. Unfortunately a lot of this plumbing couldn’t be done if there was too much water in the large tank so the solar pump wasn’t running for most of the day. The day was overcast so even when it was on it didn’t pump enough to properly test the system. Some of us will definitely be back on Thursday afternoon to make sure everything is working well.
The drainage system needed to be finished today too and a hard core of concreters could be found constructing the inspection area and manhole cover. Concreting is never very quick though and this job took just as long as everything else to complete.
The end of the work was slightly anti-climatic in the end. The ‘climax’ in some respects was when the water first came out of the hole earlier in the week and the finishing touches today completed the project in a rather low-key fashion.
There was a clear end to the project today in the form of a thank you ceremony conducted by the children and staff of the orphanage. The children had clearly spent quite a lot of time preparing their speeches and songs and even composed a song to say thank you to Harrow School (even the boys prepared a song). The ceremony ended with the boys and children making their fond farewells. There were lots of photos and tears were shed not only by those leaving, but also those staying behind – it took quite a while to get everyone back onto the bus!
As I write this the boys are all sharing their experiences with each other and discussing what they would like to do in the future. They have all got so much out of this experience and can see what an amazing thing they have achieved in the last 11 days. Not only have they provided the children with drinking water, but also their hygiene will be improved immensely now that they have running water, brighter corridors, proper drainage and a clean and safe courtyard.
The boys have worked hard and have thoroughly earned their upcoming two day safari; this blog will take on a slightly different slant over the next couple of days provided there is an internet connection at the safari lodge!
Those are some great smiles reflecting satisfaction with a job well done. Congratulations!