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Thank You

A few words of thanks from the organiser to the following people:

The Head Master, Mr Lenon, who supported my charity projects abroad over the last four years;

Louisa Muir who introduced me to The Good Hope Orphanage in 2009;

Ambassador John Danilovich for his generous donation;

Mr Tim Hinton for his generous donation;

Mr Bimb Theobald for his hospitality, who made his house available to us on two occasions during our stay in Tanzania and provided us with a car for the duration of our stay;

Mr Douglas Collins from the Harrow Development Trust, as well as the Harrow Association who through sponsor ships helped several boys to be part of this worthy experience. Douglas also conducted the very successful negotiations with Dato and Datin Yeoh Tan for the vital donation to fund the water drilling and pump;

The boys, Nick Henderson-Williams, Elliot Smith, Ian Graham, Andrew Boyle, Tom Basset, Edward Little, Finley Hinton, Tom Rich, Elie Vougioukus, Harry Lloyd, Dominic Barham, Toby Theobald, Alexander Danilovich, Anthony Love, Abeku Nelson, Shaun Anadkat, Christopher Thorn, Charles Jenkinson and James Evans who did Harrow School proud at all times;

Mr Gary White who helped wherever he could, especially with the concrete team and Mr Nick Marchant who took footage of the whole project, set up and wrote the blog and was responsible for the electrical section. Mr Steve Griffiths who was responsible for the plumbing and acted as co-project leader with Mr Smith. Mr. Smith gave his time and energy to lead the project and without him I would not have been able to organise the charity projects abroad in the first place. Their continued hard work and dedication to the project meant that we could finish the project in time and made it hugely successful.

I would also like to thank the parents for collecting clothes, books and sports equipment.

Mrs Lotje Smith
23rd July 2010